In this 80 minute practice, Kamini Desai, Ph.D. guides each physical posture, and Yogi Amrit Desai draws you into deep stillness and meditation.
The Integrative Amrit Method of Yoga guides you through 28 postures (yoga asana) with precise alignment and specific attention to detail. Build strength in the dynamic First Half of the Posture with willful physical action, and let go into the introspective Second Half designed to alleviate stress and rebalance the nervous system.
In this practice, Kamini Desai, Ph.D. guides each physical posture, and Yogi Desai draws you into deep stillness and meditation.
- Opening Meditation
- Complete Coordinated Breath
- Sun Salutations
- Standing Mountain
- Half Moon
- Standing Back Bend
- Forward Bend
- Standing Squat
- Warrior 1
- Warrior 2 and Warrior Angle
- Wide-Legged Forward Bend
- Dancing Shiva
- Standing Hand to Foot
- Tree Pose
- Standing Yoga Mudra
- Seated Integration
- Cobra
- Half Locust
- Boat
- Childs Pose
- Camel Seated
- Yoga Mudra Seated
- Forward Bend
- Seated Spinal Twist
- Reclined Integration
- Bridge
- Half Shoulder Stand
- Reclined Knees-to-Chest
- Knee-Down Twist
- Savasana