This yoga nidra is specifically designed to help clear and energize your body and quiet your mind. You will be guided to move attention through energy centers to enhance the vital flow which heals and balances the body.
Yoga Nidra uses the biological process of sleep to enter an evolutionary state –meditation. Easy-to-practice in a reclined position, entering the zone between waking and sleeping enables you to rest more and more as the space of being beyond the mind, and less and less as the mind itself.
Yoga Nidra is one of the easiest, most profound and direct channels for accelerated physical and emotional healing, including insomnia, stress, burnout, anxiety, depression and a host of other diseases.
The therapeutic techniques on this album are specifically designed to help clear and energize your body while calming your mind.
You will be guided to move attention through the energy hubs of the body (chakras) and 61 major meridian points (marmas) to enhance vital flow and balance the body and mind.
This Yoga Nidra Includes: Continuous Om Sheetali Breath 61 Points Chakra Visualization Recommended for those with intermediate experience with meditation or yoga nidra.
Duration: 30 minutes.